Phoenix House California
Addiction Rehab and Mental Health Treatment Centers
At Phoenix House California, we are passionate about healing individuals, families and communities challenged by substance use disorders and related mental health conditions.

Who We Are
We are committed to helping people overcome substance abuse & mental health disorders.

What We Do
We provide addiction, prevention, and mental health services to anyone who needs our help.

How You Help
Join us in the fight against addiction. We are Stronger Together.
We reach & serve more than 32,000 people each year with life-saving treatment.
*Statistics are from FY20 All Programs.
1 in 7 Americans will develop a substance use disorder, but only 1 in 10 will get treatment.
Addiction is one of America’s most challenging public health problems and effects everyone. It’s a disease that crosses gender, ethnicity, age, and socio-economic lines. There is no cure for addiction, but it can be effectively treated, and we are committed to helping young people, women, and men overcome substance abuse to live extraordinary lives in recovery.
We’re on a mission to change that.
Give a Gift. Change a Life.
Our Services
We offer a variety of effective services for those seeking help with their alcohol or drug addiction and/or mental health issues, in addition to ongoing care for people who are already in recovery. For youth, we provide school-based mental health, substance abuse, and prevention services designed to help students learn new life skills, set positive goals, rebuild family relationships, and succeed at school.
Withdrawal management at Phoenix House is a non-medical supervised detox with an average stay of seven days. On admission, clients are medically screened, receive a physical examination, and are evaluated for taper, support, and psychiatric medications to ensure withdrawals are completed with minimal symptoms.
Continuing Care
After a patient has received treatment at one of our facilities, we provide continuing programs to offer them support in their recovery while also allowing a return to their regular lives. Continuing care is for individuals who have completed a residential or outpatient treatment program and want to continue receiving drug or alcohol addiction help outside of a drug or alcohol rehab center.
Adolescent Outpatient – Substance Use Disorder
The Adolescent Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Program in Los Angeles serves youth with less severe alcohol and other drug abuse issues, allowing them to live at home while undergoing treatment.
Outpatient & School-Based Mental Health Services
Mental Health Services are offered to youth ages 0 – 21 struggling with mental health issues that are impacting them at home, school, and in the community. Working alongside school personnel and family members, our therapists provide individual, group and family counseling sessions, case management, and psychiatric services, if needed. Services are designed to improve functioning and decrease mental health symptoms.
For individuals seeking residential substance abuse treatment with round-the-clock care and an intensive therapy program, we offer residential treatment services. In residential treatment, you can enter our treatment facility for typically 60 – 90 days, where you will be able to detox and enter a therapy program that builds a foundation for recovery.
Peer Mentor Program
Phoenix House Orange County provides case management services to Drug Medi-Cal participants who are currently enrolled in substance use disorder programs and need help connecting with ancillary services such as referrals and linkage to housing, vocational & educational support, doctors’ appointments and more.
Adolescent Behavioral Health Intervention & Support Services
The Behavioral Health Intervention & Support Services program offers evidence-based prevention and Intervention services to Orange County students in grades K – 12 with the goal of increasing positive character attributes and decreasing negative behaviors. Our multidisciplinary team is comprised of highly qualified school, mental health, and community outreach professionals.
Youth Resiliency Virtual Support Services and the you and app
YRVSS provides virtual behavioral health services for increasing youth resiliency during times of social isolation and beyond. The interactive curriculum, provided through a virtual medium, focuses on youth connectedness, and addresses a variety of topics. The service is for K-12 students and is delivered through a mobile app called you and, paired with activities in a workbook that encourages students to practice and apply the skills they are learning.
Adult Outpatient
Our outpatient substance abuse treatment gives patients who need alcohol or drug addiction services an opportunity to maintain their regular routine while still receiving the treatment they need. Outpatient treatment is also appropriate for patients who have undergone a residential program and want to continue their treatment while living at home or in a sober living facility.
Recovery Support - Alumni
We offer recovery support services to individuals who have completed treatment and want to continue improving their mental and physical health to be able to live happy, fulfilling lives. Recovery support gives people the opportunity to share their experiences and offer support to others who may be struggling with a substance use disorder.
Wraparound Services for Families
Wraparound is made up of a team of professionals who wrap treatment and services around a child and family in a time of crisis and supports them in all aspects of life. The team works with the child and family to develop a collaborative and coordinated, strengths-based care plan that will achieve positive changes and strengthen the family relationship.
Adult & Youth Correctional Programs
Phoenix House California works in California prisons, jails, and other correctional settings, offering a variety of treatment programs to hundreds of men and adolescents each year, including intensive cognitive behavioral treatment for substance abuse, criminal thinking patterns, anger management, family services, evidence-based mental health services, as well as teaching life skills and instilling positive, pro-social values. Case Management is offered after release in our Orange County In-Custody Program.
Why Choose Us
If you’re looking for an alcohol or drug treatment program that not only treats the symptoms of addiction, but also serves the whole person, Phoenix House California may be the answer for you. Our team of addiction treatment and behavioral health therapists seek to address the underlying causes of substance abuse in order to give patients the best chance at a long-term successful recovery.
If you or a loved one are struggling and need help, please contact us.
Learn about how PHCA is working to help vulnerable kids change their stories.


Phoenix House Career Opportunities
The Benefits of Seeking Early Treatment
Many people who struggle with a substance use disorder don’t seek the help of a drug or alcohol treatment program until their lives have spun out of control and their addiction has caused them to lose their job, damage their relationships, or seriously compromise their health.
These traumatic events can all be avoided through early intervention. Seeking early treatment will not only help to prevent potentially irreparable harm to your personal life, but it also offers a more practical and affordable way to address an issue with substance abuse that has a higher rate of success.
When you decide to check in to an alcohol or drug treatment program before the problem has the chance to escalate beyond your control, you give yourself a better chance for a brighter future.
How do you end addiction? You start with prevention.
At Phoenix House California, we recognize that addiction is a brain disease that is as complex as it is deadly…not as the moral failure that it is too often made out to be. We’re passionate about reducing this stigma in order to provide opportunities for
treatment for people who would not have them otherwise.
We strongly believe that the number one way to break the cycle of addiction is through prevention. Prevention begins with education. 90% of people who struggle with a substance use disorder began using drugs or alcohol before the age of 18.
Addressing drug and alcohol use in adolescents is an urgent matter, and it begins with knowing the facts. By educating young people about the potential lifelong consequences of the misuse of drugs or alcohol, we confront addiction at its source.
We help kids escape addiction and create a ripple effect that can last for generations.