Phoenix House California is incredibly proud of our creative staff and their efforts to foster a diverse and culturally competent work place. Prior to the stay-at-home order, our Behavioral Intervention and Support Services Staff would frequently engage in discussions acknowledging various holidays and cultural events. When our office dynamics changed, they didn’t want this element that helped them stay connected and cohesive, to be lost. So, the first official Phoenix House California Cultural Awareness Newsletter was created. Not only does this newsletter help raise awareness, it gives the staff an opportunity to share how these events speaks them. Check out the first BHIS newsletter that celebrates Black History Month and learn more about Black creators in the areas of Business, Journalism and Films/Shows.
The Behavioral Health and Intervention Services Program is funded by the OC Health Care Agency (OCHCA), Behavioral Health Services, Prevention & Intervention, Mental Health Services Act/Prop. 63. BHIS is a program that provides mental health education through the “Positive Action” curriculum to students K-12 in Orange County. Through various mental health topics, students learn social-emotional skills to increase their resiliency.